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My Wife and an Older Man

Rating: 28


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A few months ago I'd brought home a business client who was a friend of my boss, to stay the night. He was a big guy, older man (I found out he was sixty years old) in pretty good shape with a developing pot-belly. I'm thirty-five, Anna's twenty-nine.
That evening I'd watched in a pretended ******* ***** as he'd hit on Anna all night, primarily just to see what she'd do - if she would remain faithful. To cut to the chase, he'd ended up fucking her into a shuddering climax as I'd watched from the bathroom, cumming into a tissue.
Just watching them had made me cum so hard I was weak. I'd been totally unprepared for my reaction to seeing some stranger stuff his large cock inside my wife, and I was still having trouble dealing with it. At times I was so jealous I was filled with rage. Sometimes, I jerked off into a sock just reliving it. Pretty sick, huh? Go ahead call me a wimp, a pussy. I've called myself worse over all this.
I never mentioned to Anna that I saw them, so she didn't suspect, although she tried doubly hard to please me after it happened - waiting on me, hot sex sessions, the whole thing. I guess she felt guilty, but what the hell, so did I. Then the bomb shell dropped. My boss came by, congratulated me on a minor accomplishment and asked if I minded if Walt stayed a couple nights with Anna and me again.
My boss said Walt had raved about how much he'd enjoyed his stay. I'll bet! My mind suddenly cramped-up at the news and all I could do was nod dumbly. That night lying in bed with Anna, I contemplated the corner I was in, and wondered if I should confess that I'd seen them.
I just couldn't do it. I guess I loved her too much and knew the stress it'd cause between us. Still, I knew I had to inform her Walt would be returning, and I didn't know how she would receive that news.
"You remember that Walt guy who stayed overnight with us a while back? Well, the boss asked me if we could do it again for a couple days." I felt her grow quiet beside me, couldn't even hear her breathing.
"You didn't agree, did you?"
"Well . . . I sort of did. Is that a problem?"
After a long heartbeat, she said, "I guess not. I just don't like strangers in our home. I like being alone with you."
"It'll be all right. You liked Walt Okay, didn't you?"
"I guess," she said in a quiet voice.
A moment later she slid over and laid her head on my chest. "Pat, I love you."
"And I love you, Kitten."
"I really mean it."
"Me too."
The day finally arrived and I picked Walt up at the airport. Anna was fixing BBQ on the back patio. She was dressed in her white shorts and a halter top. She looked beautiful as usual. Walt must of thought so too because as I observed him watching her tight ass all afternoon, I could see a bulge in the area of his fly.
I made it my job to run errands into the kitchen for ****** and sauce, hurrying to a spot near the back bedroom where I could watch them. Walt was predictable. No sooner had I departed the area, and he was at it again. He'd grab Anna by the wrist or around her waist, but she'd jerk away and hiss something at him until he backed off.
As the evening got late and we consumed more ******, my "bathroom trips" took longer and I could see Anna was getting tired of having to fight him off. I didn't know how far I'd let it go yet. I felt like a sick puppy, but was also so excited that I trembled.
The conflict was killing me. On one trip I made it to the back window and saw them standing near the pool, Walt's hand was trapped between Anna's legs, and I watched as he ****** his knee between them too, getting better access. He was now able to cup her entire vagina, working his hand as she attempted to push it away.
Suddenly, he lowered his face and swallowed her mouth. She froze. Then I saw something that stabbed me in the heart. She accepted his tongue, suddenly kissing him back, and quit pushing his hand away. Somehow seeing her kiss him like that hurt about as bad as previously seeing his cock inside her.
As for my own cock, it could've cut glass at the moment. Anna finally broke away, glancing furtively toward the door where I'd return. They were seated when I got there, Anna's face flushed, Walt grinning.
I stood and stretched. "Well, as I said, I have to be in the office to call the East Coast office as soon as they open in the morning. They're a couple hours ahead of us so it'll be an early day for me. I have to turn in, but you guys enjoy the evening and we'll figure out what we'll do tomorrow when I return about nine. Good night.
I ignored Anna's expression, something between terror and hunger, and went inside.
I put on my PJ bottoms, remained barefoot, and peeked outside to see if they were still there. They were there conversing in low tones. Anna was shaking her head and sneaking glances at the rear door. I heard Walt laugh softly as Anna dropped her head, staring into her lap.
Walt got up and went to sit beside her on the sofa lounge. She didn't look at him. Walt took her unresisting hand, placing it on his dick, holding it there. She still didn't look up, just shook her head, apparently telling him no but he was ignoring her.
With his other hand he reached out and grasped her right nipple and I imagined I could hear her gasp from where I watched. I knew she loved that, and watched her face contort as he rolled it around between his thumb and forefinger.
Even from where I stood, I could see she was weakening. Walt took his considerable semi-hard girth from his trousers, and re-wrapped her fingers around it. This time she looked down at it, opening her mouth as though in amazement. It looked even larger than I recalled.
Walt released her nipple, massaged the side of her neck and face, then pulled her head forward and down, toward his erection. She resisted only temporarily, then lowered her face and engulfed most of it. I head him groan as she did.
Then she went to work on his cock hungrily for a couple minutes. Suddenly, she stood, looked down at him for a moment then walked toward the rear door. I scampered frantically to get back to our bedroom, sliding under the covers with only a second to spare.
The exertion probably made my deep breathing convince her I was sound a*****. I heard the door close softly and only waited for about a minute before I hurried back to my post near the window. Anna was already kneeling in front of him, swallowing his cock hungrily.
He pulled her up into his lap, holding still as she slowly slid down on his thick cock. I saw her throw her head back - heard her moan. Then they were fucking like *******. I was finding it hard to breath, could feel my heart pounding against my chest violently. My legs were about to give out but I couldn't look away.
It was clear their frustration had been building all afternoon and they wanted a quick release. His cock was so thick I could see him pulling the lining of her vagina out with each thrust. Mine looked like a ******* in comparison.
If it was painful for her, she didn't act like it. His hairy sacs looked like hardballs slapping against her anus. He suddenly grasped her ass cheeks and strained upward. I could see Anna's inter-thighs trembling, heard her whimper and saw her toes working steadily. I knew from experience that she was there. She was sucking his tongue as they came together - long shuddering surges wracking her body in waves - over and over. I felt completely inadequate. I'd never been able to make her do that.
Then I exploded too, like a volcano - like I'd never done before either. My legs finally gave out as I slowly sank to the floor, never taking my eyes off the spectacle before me.
Anna had collapsed against his hairy chest, gasping through her open mouth for breath, her ass and legs still trembling violently from her pleasure. She lowered her face again and lovingly accepted his tongue, clearly licking the inside of his mouth. God that hurt.
As his cock deflated, a river of white ran from her pussy lips, onto his hairy balls and legs. I watched as he pushed her off his lap and guided her head downward, indicating with a silent nod what he wanted.
Without a single protest, she sucked his cock clean, licking it from top to bottom - she did his balls, then back to his softening cock. She made love to it, actually worshiped it with her mouth.
That nearly killed me, but my own cock was hardening once more and I grasped it tightly.
Who was this woman whom I thought I knew? She'd never licked my messy cock afterward. This person looked like a slut. A total stranger. That was my beautiful Anna in front of me. My wife!
I watched, mesmerized, as she worked his cock back to a state of erection. It was already half-hard when she sucked his nuts into her mouth, lifted up and nibbled under them at the tender strip of flesh found there. I saw his thick meat stiffen more as he slid downward, giving her better access.
He lifted his knees, holding them in the crook of his arms as she nuzzled between his ass cheeks, licking his asshole.
Slut! Oh ****, I was ready to cum again. I quickly let go of my cock, breathing heavily and shaking. She had it stuck all the way down her throat now, her nose in his pubic hair, holding it there, her throat muscles working, milking it.
It didn't take long. His thighs tightened as he wrapped his fingers in her hair and shot his load deep into her belly. She lapped it up like it was cream. He had to literarily had to ***** her mouth off his cock.
He tossed her onto the sofa, and buried his face in her vagina as she screamed, clutching his head in her hands and between her thighs. She came almost instantly. So did I. I almost had to crawl back to my room. Half-a*****, I felt Anna slip silently between the sheets about twenty minutes later.


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The next morning I left before daylight, Anna still ********. I took care to smooth my side of the sheet and fluff my pillow though. I came back around nine to find them both in the pool. I went into the bedroom and found the bed hadn't been made yet. Pulling down the cover, I saw my side mussed, the pillow flattened. On the sheet were several small stains that I knew were semen.
I got close and took a whiff. It looked like they'd had quite a morning after I'd left. Jealousy reared its ugly head again. So did my cock.
I knew it would only be temporary relief, but I went into the bathroom and whacked off.
Then I joined them outside, where I learned Walt had been advised to attend a luncheon in El Paso the following day and had to leave for the airport. He said he'd return and spend one more day with us after his meeting. Anna "volunteered" to drive him to the airport.
They departed around 2:00 PM. It was a forty minute round trip. She returned about 5:30. I checked her closely and saw the tell-tell redness around her pretty mouth, knowing instantly that she'd given Walt a good send-off to hold him until his return. She laid down for a well-earned nap, and I called my friend Cleo.
"Do you still love her, Pat?"
"And she still loves you. Where's the problem? You enjoy her pleasure, and it gives you pleasure. Period. All this is, is a little rubbing friction and an exchange of bodily fluids. It's transitory and will pass. I suggest you tell her you know, and admit you liked it, too."
I guess I've got a decision to make.
Ch. 02
Anna was dozing that afternoon when I went into our bedroom after she'd taken Walt to the airport. Because of the amount of time she'd been gone, her puffy lips and a slight redness around her mouth, I was convinced she'd given him a prolonged blowjob before he departed. In fact, they'd been at each other at least three or four times a day during his visit this time, but they still didn't know that I knew about them. It was a conundrum for me.
It hurt that my wife was fucking another man right in my own home, but it excited me like nothing else ever had before. In truth, part of me wanted it to end, but part of me wanted to continue experiencing this awesome excitement. My friend Cleo had suggested that I let Anna know, share the experience together, but I knew once the Genii was let out of the box, it couldn't ever be put back in.
Anna and I hadn't had sex in over a week but oddly, I didn't feel deprived. Actually, I felt totally sexually satisfied with the situation as it now was, just scared of losing her and terribly jealous. Taking a deep breath, I eased onto the bed beside her.
"You awake?" I asked.
I jumped right into the subject without thinking about it. "I know about you and Walt," I said abruptly. "I saw you . . . you know . . . together."
She grew very still, hardly breathing. Then "Pat . . . I . . ."
"Wait. Let me talk," I said.
Not sparing myself anything I'd done to help create this mess, I recalled everything I'd seen and how I'd jerked off to it, telling her everything. Once the floodgates were open, I had to get it all out. I ended by telling her how much I loved her and stressed our need to be completely honest with each other in everything. I also told her how angry and jealous it'd made me feel.
I heard a soft sob in her throat as she said, "Oh Pat, I'm so sorry. I'll never do it again. I promise."
I pulled her head onto my chest and we lay that way until we'd dozed off. Later, watching TV in the family room, we talked more about it and I asked her to share all the details and tell me about each of her encounters with Walt.
She told me she'd never even thought about cheating on me in all these years. She was forthcoming and completely honest, and it was as I suspected, Walt had been after her constantly like a dog in heat, forcibly having his way with her anytime he wanted it - and her mostly enjoying every minute.
She said he was insatiable, that he had a hard-on almost constantly. Most of the time he'd just ****** himself upon her, but she admitted that she always ended up enjoying it - especially the oral sex, at which he was a master.
I was hurt by that. I performed oral sex on her occasionally, and mentioned that I thought she had enjoyed it.
She sort of smiled, saying, "You do great, darling. But you lick and suck very gentle, lovingly. Walt devours me. He bites, sucks licks and blows on everything down there, even my anus. He's all mouth and fingers until it drives me completely insane. I'm being honest. He totally had me anytime he wanted me, after that. I thought about it all day - every day. I couldn't get it out of my mind. I still can't," she told me quite embarrassedly.
She said It had been the best sex she'd ever had. Looking into my eyes, she then told me it was over between her and Walt, or anybody else but me for the rest of her life. She was my wife and would always be so.
The next two days were just as it'd always been between us. All tension and apprehension had immediately vanished, but the spectrum of Walt's return loomed over us like a giant shadow. We got a short reprieve when he called and said he had to stay at the meeting for another day, asking to be picked up at the airport a day later.
He came in late and it was well after 10:00 PM by the time we arrived back home. I helped him carry his bags to the spare bedroom, telling him it was late and Anna and I would be going right to bed. He said that he also would be turning in.
With the lights out, we lay without touching, hardly breathing. On the way from the airport I noticed Anna had hardly looked at Walt, although he'd constantly attempted catching her eye and I could feel the sexual tension mounting between them.
Later, in the darkness of our bedroom we lay without moving or talking, Anna constantly tossing as though trying to get comfortable.
"Are you okay?" I finally whispered.
After a moment, she replied with a small catch in her voice, "I'm sorry, Pat."
I reached out, touching her cheek. It was wet. "Yeah," was all I could say.
Love for this woman filled my heart to such a capacity that I ached for her. Above all else, I didn't want her suffering for something that had largely been my own fault. I knew what was bothering her. Walt had been at her constantly all the time he'd been there, and she was like a **** addict suddenly deprived from her ****. I knew she was lying there thinking about that huge cock just thirty feet away and it was driving her crazy. Truth is, I was hard as a rock too.
Twenty minutes later, I said quietly, "Go on. It's all right."
She didn't even pretend she didn't know what I was talking about. In the darkened room I saw her pulling on her white nightgown. At the foot of the bed she paused and though I couldn't see her eyes, I knew she was staring at me. With the nightlight in the bathroom behind her, I could see the outline of her slender body through the thin gown.
I heard her whisper again, "I'm sorry." Then she was gone.
I lay in the darkened room listening intently for any sound of her movement, though in bare feet on the carpet, that was unlikely. What I hoped for was some sound that she'd changed her mind - and a strange longing deep inside - hoping she wouldn't. A moment later, I heard her cry out softly, then much louder. I knew she wasn't coming back. The big cock she'd been fantasizing about all night was inside her.
I suddenly realized the reason she sounded so nearby was because she'd left our bedroom door open, and likely the other door was left ajar so I could hear, as well. A gesture of kindness toward me - or the actions of a slut? I truly didn't know.
For the next five minutes I listened to the sound of their lovemaking. No, that's not accurate. It was the sound of two people fucking like *******, hard and unrelenting - the unrestrained slapping of moist flesh as they grunted and cried out their pleasure.
I knew Anna liked to be vocal when she made love and it must have been hard for her all the times Walt had pummeled her with his fencepost-like cock, trying to stifle it so I wouldn't be alerted. It was as if now that I'd told her I knew, she didn't have to hide any longer. She could let it all go, maybe even flaunt it.
I clutched my cock harder as I heard her cry out her pent-up release, "Oh baby . . . oh godddd!"
That was quickly followed by Walt's own obscene grunts as he came.
I was also so close to cumming that my heart literally pounded inside my chest and I was trembling so badly it shook the entire bed. How could I be this turned-on by something I couldn't even see? I knew that all I had to do was stroke my cock a couple of times, and it would gush like Old Faithful. I ****** it instead, holding off. I knew their ritual by now and didn't want to end it yet. I knew they first had a frenzy-fuck to take off the edge caused by their week apart.
After they recovered a bit, she'd suck him dry; and finally, he'd lick her ass and eat her pussy until she collapsed from exhaustion. After that, they'd probably even fuck again, later. The guy was an ******. I listened as, now that they'd satisfied their uncontrollable initial lust, I could hear them muttering - pillow talk between lovers.
After a few minutes, I didn't hear Anna's voice anymore. All I could hear was Walt urging her on, and that meant she had his cock down her throat, milking it dry. After about ten minutes, Walt groaned loudly and I knew he was flooding her mouth with his slime. Didn't he care that I might be awake and would hear? Maybe she'd told him I knew about them despite my repeated requests she not do so. No, she wouldn't betray me like that.
A few seconds later I heard her crying out again, even louder and more urgent than before, "Oh god . . . oh god . . . oh god . . ."
I knew he was devouring her pussy. That was when I cum so hard my prostrate ached, just as she screamed - sounding like she was strangling.
I knew that what probably turned her on so much was that Walt was a controller. He took what he wanted anytime he wanted it. Whereby I made love to her, Walt used her. I could never be like that, no matter how hard I tried. Anna knew that, too.
Being used in this manner was something she never knew she needed until that first night I'd things get out of hand. It was now something she had to have, Walt had initiated her into it with skill, and I felt like I'd been sucker-punched. I could let her do it or I could demand she stop - in which case I was pretty sure I would end up losing her. I would not lose Anna. She was my life.
With my lust satisfied for the moment, I simply felt miserable. The couple next door had also settled down now that their lust was satisfied for the moment. The whole house was suddenly engulfed in silence as I dropped into a ****-like *****. I awoke the next morning alone. She'd spent the entire night with him.
When I awoke the next morning, I could hear voices on the pool, so I brushed-up, showered and went into the living room. At first glance, they were innocently seated on the sofa lounge, chatting.
Then I saw Walt had a contented look on his face and that Anna's hand was under the leg band of his loose-fitting trunks. She was dutifully stroking his dick slowly, lovingly; Walt acting as if that were his right. Bristling, I charged out, finding Anna's hand in her own lap when I got there, but Walt's bulge was still evident.
"Darling," Anna said brightly, reaching for a cup. "Let me pour you a cup of coffee. It's such a nice day, Walt and I were just talking about going to the beach.


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I knew that she knew I was to drop the Four-runner by the shop for a tune-up this morning. That only left her sports car, a two-seater. That meant I would stay home? Not likely.
"Sounds great," I said. I'd like that."
"But you have to take the car to the shop, darling. Don't you?"
I wasn't about to let them get away for an entire day to fuck their eye-balls out. No way!
"We can all go in that. You sit on Walt's lap." I hated the thought of that, but the alternative sounded even worse.
After some bickering about the logistics, they followed me to the garage. When I got in the driver's side of the sports car, I saw their seat was all the way back to accommodate Walt's long legs - well, Anna's too - and she was already seated in his lap. She was wearing a wrap-around sarong, with her swimsuit under it. She looked beautiful, as usual.
By all appearances, they were behaving themselves. I stopped and filled up with gas, then off to the shore. Walt did most of the talking and I reluctantly admitted he was a pretty fascinating guy. He'd been all over the world, talking about the places he'd been and the things he'd seen.
Anna was quietly staring out the windshield, letting the men talk. As I said, she looked delicious. A few beads of perspiration had formed along her top lip, and I suddenly wanted to lick them off. About an hour into our journey Anna's long legs suddenly stiffened, she leaded her head backward and groaned softly. Then whimpering, her face contorted in pain.
It took me a moment to realize she was having an orgasm. Then I knew. When I got out to fill up with gas, Walt had pushed her bikini bottom aside and slipped his big cock inside her. He may even have done it without her consent. She had been quietly riding it all this ways, letting the road movement of the vehicle do its job. The sarong had hidden everything and with the air condition on I didn't even catch a whiff of her pussy.
She probably hadn't intended to cum. I'm sure she didn't want to intentionally cause me any ***********, but I couldn't know that for sure.
When she was finished, she became very quiet, her eyes closed, head down, long hair hiding her face. Walt just stared straight ahead with no indication anything had happened.
Without saying a word, I pulled into a roadside mini-mart, drove around to the side, and got out. I walked to the men's room to give them a chance to get their act together - and clean up.
There was a lattes fence on front of the rest room doors. I stopped behind it, peeking through one of the small holes. Walt had his big hands on Anna's shoulders, literally lifting her upward with his strong thrusts. Hair covering her pretty face, arms flopping around limply, head now bouncing up and down like someone who was ********, or ***********, she didn't respond. She was awake though. I was pretty sure of that.
Walt was just using her like he was masturbating. She was letting herself be used - probably enjoying being used. Walt's body suddenly stiffened and his face twisted with pleasure as he shot his load inside her. He was gripping her shoulders so hard his knuckles were white, and I wondered if he was bruising her. If she was in pain she didn't show it, remaining limp throughout the whole thing.
I went into the restroom and for several minutes tried to control my trembling, to breathe normally. I heard the women's restroom door open and close, listened to the water running, and a flush. I dropped my pants, stroked my cock about six times, and shot a load all over the wall, groaning loudly. I came so hard it was almost painful.
I had to lean against the wall for a few minutes to regain my breath and gather my strength. When I got back to the car they were both in the passenger seat again and everything appeared normal. I didn't say a word, just drove off.
At the beach, Anna and I spread our blankets and lay down while Walt ran into the surf. He was a bull of a man, swimming in long strokes far out into the surf. I half-hoped he'd drown. Anna, in her black bikini, lay with her legs slightly apart, tanning her thighs. I peeked but couldn't detect anything running from her crotch.
Inside, I was still seething. Why had that SOB felt he could screw my wife in the car seat right beside me with total impunity? In my mind, I went over everything that had happened on our trip down and reached a conclusion.
"You told him, didn't you?"
Her eyes were closed. "He guessed."
"Bullshit. Why did you tell him?"
"Does it matter? You think with all the noise we were making last night that he didn't think you could hear us from thirty feet away? Come on!"
I sighed loudly. "It matters, because now he thinks there are no boundaries, no limits to what he can do. He thinks he can fuck you in front of me anytime he wants to . . . in the car seat right beside me."
To give her credit, her face reddened. "Yeah, well I'm sorry about that. He was hard from the minute I sit down on him. I didn't want to do that. While you were putting gas in the car, he insisted and just stuffed it inside me. He's like that. He just does it if he wants to. Somewhere along the line I guess I lost control . . . and well . . ."
She propped up on her elbow, suddenly grinning like an imp. She was so beautiful when she did that. "Don't act so indignant," she said pertly. "I saw your boner when you went to the restroom. I was in the other restroom. Those walls are pretty thin, ya know."
"He fucked you after I left." I knew I sounded petulant, but couldn't help myself. "Anna, he wants to control you. Don't you understand? You're giving him license to do anything he wants to you. Has he attempted to fuck you in the ass, yet?"
She looked down.
"He has."
"No, but he wants to. I told him it would hurt too much and he's backed off . . . for now. We both know he's too big and it'd probably **** me."
After a moment, she nearly whispered, "But if he wants it and I could, I probably would do it."
She had never even considered letting me do something like that. I looked up to see Walt running toward us, so she laid back and closed her eyes.
"So now you both have decided that you can fuck right in front of me anytime you want to, huh?"
She didn't answer. Walt called out from the water, for us to join him. I told her to go ahead. I was tired from the long drive. They waded way out, the water up to Anna's chest. From this distance they looked like a couple standing in the water talking, but I was more attuned than others. I could tell by the angle of her arm that she was holding his cock.
After a few more moments, Walt move behind her, wrapping his arms around her. They were so far out that no one was even paying attention except for me, and they probably though I was ******** - if they even cared. From the way they were standing, I knew beyond doubt that he was fucking her again.
The guy was clearly a sex addict. How could he do that again, so soon? He'd probably fucked her before I got up that morning, then again in the car, and now here he was doing it again. My own dick was still tender from jerking off in the restroom - for crying out loud!
They must be fucking three or four times every day. I knew that doing that would **** me! What astounded me was that Anna always seemed ready to let him do her anytime and anyplace he wanted. It was clear my pretty wife was completely under his control.
I saw that Anna had turned and was facing him, her head thrown back, arms around his neck and clearly out of her mind with the pleasure of doing it on a public beach. I knew that under the rippling water her legs were wrapped around him and he was slamming his cock into her right in front of everyone on the beach.
When Anna suddenly pulled herself forward and locked her mouth against his, I knew she was cumming. I felt my sore dick stir and rolled onto my stomach so people passing by wouldn't notice.
Our trip back home was largely uneventful considering what happened coming down. They both slept, Anna with her face against the side of Walt's neck, her right arm slung over his shoulder, purring softly. She wore her bikini home, the sarong only covering from her knees down. I suppose it was to prove to me they weren't fucking.
Her legs looked cold so I turned the air conditioner down as a gesture of my appreciation. Upon arrival, we showered and because my other car was still being lubed, Anna called for a limo pickup for Walt who had to depart for the airport at an early hour. Then we all sat around the TV until about 10:00 PM when, as if by mutual agreement, they both stood and walked silently into the guest bedroom, leaving me alone.
Anna followed Walt in, meeting my eyes as she left the door ajar. For the next twenty minutes I listened as Walt pounded her pussy viciously, probably as a parting gift to her - maybe to us both. I didn't jerk off, just rubbed my swollen cock through my PJs, picturing what they were doing behind the door. I swear Anna screamed the entire time.
I finally couldn't stand it any longer and went to peek through the crack in the door. Walt had her on her knees on the bed, pounding her from behind, his considerable potbelly resting on her ass-cheeks. I wondered what it was my wife found the least bit attractive in this man. I believed it was two things; his ************, and that huge cock.
I had a bird's eye view from where I stood, watching his grossly fat dick stretching the walls of my wife's pussy. I was instantly hard as a railroad spike. Don't get me wrong, I'm not homosexual. I have nothing against homosexuals, in fact, my best friend Cleo is bi-sexual and that's cool with me. Walt's fat dick didn't excite me, but watching it slid into my pretty wife, did. Why that is so, I don't know.
Just as Anna had discovered something about herself during this process, so had I. I liked to watch, period. Did I blame her entirely? No. I'd let all this happen when I could've stopped it, so I'd just have to live with the outcome.
Anna was making weird little sounds like a hurt ****** makes, as Walt slowed tempo, then started jack-hammering into her again. Unable to stop myself, I pulled my own cock from the pee-hole of my PJs and slowly stroked it, my legs trembling and weak.
Anna's face was pressed against the bed, her arms stretched out to the side, fingers clutching at the bedspread. I watched as the lining of her cunt was pulled out each time Walt's cock retreated, then slammed back into her with his ****** thrusts.
She started whimpering so I knew she was getting close. So was I. So was I! Walt didn't look like he was anywhere near ready to quit though, and I knew it'd be a long night for my sweetheart. A small squeal started deep inside her throat, building into a scream as she contorted and twisted against his fat cock, straining for every last bit of it as she reached her climax.
I came in my hand as I backed away from the door, rushing for the bathroom. When I came back out I could still hear Walt's big belly slamming against her ass. Anna's whimpers had turned into low moans and painful little grunts. Served her right, I guess.
It's been eight months since Walt first stayed with us. He's been back three times since he left that last time. He doesn't come for business anymore, just for "visits," now. When he's not here Anna is like she has always been - a dutiful, loving wife. When he is here, she belongs to him. I get to watch, of course, which I do.
I've learned to accept the arrangement, even appreciate it to some degree. I know I have to, or risk losing her. I've actually sat in the chair on the patio while they go through their little routine - the first time fucking frantically, then sucking and finally cunt lapping -then, fucking some more.
Walt ignores me as I jerk-off, but I think Anna actually likes having me there. Walt has tried ass-fucking his bitch a number of times but it always hurts Anna too much, although he gets further along each time. I have mixed feelings about it. I don't want her hurt, but I know if he accomplishes it I will then be able to do the one thing I have always dreamed of, having anal sex with my beautiful wife. She knows that too, which is probably one reason she resists doing it.
What the hell? I am happier than 95% of the married men I know, and I have begun to look upon Walt's three or four visits each year as sort of a sex vacation. It's not so bad.


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Ch. 03
Walt was supposed to visit us again two months ago, but the company he and I both work for sent him overseas to rescue a failing segment of the organization. That's what he does. He's like a hired gun, and I guess there's where he gets his aggressive attitude that Anna finds so stimulating.
She's been like a lioness in heat lately, ever since he sent the email that he wouldn't be coming to Dallas for quite a while. Up to now, he's been visiting us regularly about every two months, and that seems to meet her – and I guess, my needs.
Since receiving that last message, I've lately observed Anna covertly looking at other men, usually big rough, older guys that probably remind her of Walt. To be honest, Walt's big cock. In any event, she seemingly looks downward or off to the side, but is actually hungrily staring at some guy's crotch, if she thinks I'm not looking - which I always am.
In a way, I suppose I've also grown addicted to Walt's visits, watching him pound her pussy while I jerk off. Oh, Anna and I still make love occasionally but that doesn't seem to take the edge off for either of us. Neither of us have the dynamic orgasms during our sex as we do when Walt joins in.
I guess we need what Walt provides both of us, and now, he wouldn't be coming for several more months. Anna was so depressed that her depression finally rubbed off on me too. I needed to do something.
I know for a fact Walt is the only guy Anna has fucked in all the years we've been married. She's not typically a slut, but since we've let Walt into our lives I've noticed subtle changes in her.
Last week at our community gym, there was a big muscled black guy in jersey shorts lifting weights and I saw her eying his bulging crotch as she rode the incumbent bike. He was a huge ugly dude but I suspected Anna hadn't even noticed his facial features, so intent was she on watching his crotch move under the soft fabric of his shorts. I also suspected she was sopping wet, as she never took her eyes off that fat cock the whole time.
That surprised me, for Anna is a southern gal and I don't think she has even known a black guy before. I covertly watched, fanaticizing about them going off into a remote corner and watching her suck his cock. She finally caught me watching and turned her head, but not before I saw her face, flaming red.
I just had to go into the restroom and whack off, deciding to approach him the next time I saw him working out, maybe feel him out on this subject, see where it goes. Just the thought of it made me hard.
I get all kinds of responses to my earlier stories I've posted about this, some telling me what a pussy I am to let my wife fuck another guy, but others who, like me get off by watching their wives. Some have even asked if they can fuck her while I watch. Lately, I've considered exploring that option but I don't think Anna would go along with it.
One guy in particular sends a response once a week, even pictures of his cock which is every bit as long and thick as Walt's. He suggested I show his pics to Anna and let her decide if she wants it. So far I haven't acted because I don't know what her response would be to my shopping her around the internet.
Walt finally called one day while I was in the other end of the house, but I could hear her subversive tone and suspected it was him calling. I immediately picked up the extension and heard her say, "You have to come before then. I . . . uh . . . need to see you."
"Miss my cock, huh?"
"Walt . . . please, can't you make it before then?"
"I have the weekends only. That would only give me about a day and a half before I'd have to start back."
"Tell you what. You know what I want. You promise I can do it and I'll come."
She knew what he was talking about. So did I. He had been pressuring her to let him fuck her asshole, but his large size just hurt her too much. The last time, he'd made it inside her about three inches before she started crying.
"You know I can't," she sniffled. "It would ruin me forever."
"No it wouldn't. Take my word for it. You want me to come back, you have to promise."
After a few more minutes of back-and-forth, she finally relented, "I promise I'll try. Hurry."
"You won't try. You'll do it," he said.
"Okay," she replied, her voice sounding faint and tiny


The next weekend Walt telephoned that he was on the way, wanting a ride from the airport. Anna was on pins and needles all day, like a bride who was both excited and scared. On the fifteen minute ride to the airport she squirmed and fidgeted in her seat, a wild hungry look in her eyes – Just a bitch in heat, I thought angrily.
I speculated if I could touch her cunt it'd be sopping wet. She'd never been like that for me when I returned from a trip. I also noticed my dick was as hard as wood and I was having trouble breathing.
Anna went inside the terminal to meet him while I drove around until they came out. Without even a word, they both crawled into the back seat of our SUV. I'd suspected they would and had already adjusted the rearview mirror so I could see the entire back seat.
I was barely out of the parking area when I saw her hastily unzipping his pants, reaching inside and extracting his cock, which simply flopped out like a giant sausage. She stared hungrily at it for a moment, slowly stroking it. In seconds it was a hard slab of meat with thick purple vanes running through it.
I saw her lean forward, lovingly sliding her mouth around its knob, licking it from top to bottom, her eyes closed. It was clear, she was loving it. She then engulfed half of it, moaning softly.
It was only fifteen minutes to our house, but she was nearly frantic trying to taste his cum before we arrived, as I watched her cheeks suction his cum from his balls, not even attempting to hide the loud slurping sounds as she slobbered over his throbbing cock.
We were still two blocks from home when he suddenly grunted and she started swallowing frantically, making tiny little sounds of contentment as she milked his sperm, swallowing his entire load. His balls must've been full because it took a long time. Finally, she licked a few drops from its tip, and reluctantly put it back inside his trousers.
I rubbed my cock through my pants, being careful not to blow my own load in them. I was so close though.
Pretending I hadn't noticed their behavior, I pulled into the driveway and they quickly headed inside as she tossed breathlessly over her shoulder, "I'll help Walt unpack, Darling."
Her face was flushed, frantic. I'll bet you will, I thought, buying into the charade.
Inside, little squeals immediately took me straight to the guest bedroom door where I peeked in and saw Walt with his face already between her long tan legs as she clutched his hair and squirmed around on his tongue. In less than two minutes she screamed loudly, clamping his head between her thighs, gyrating against his face as she pulled the back of his head to get his tongue even deeper inside her sloppy pussy. Then she collapsed, exhausted from her effort.
Walt continued licking her for a while as I retreated hastily. That seemed to take the edge off for them and they both acted more relaxed for the rest of the evening. As for me, I had to go into the bathroom and whack-off to find relief.
Later, I was in the kitchen making coffee when Anna came up behind me and whispered, "Please don't watch us tonight. Okay?"
"Just because."
"Why? Because he's going to fuck you in the ass?"
She stepped back, surprised. "How . . . did you know that?"
"It's all over your face," I lied, not wanting her to know I'd eavesdropped on her earlier telephone call. In any event, I wasn't going to give her a break.
"No deal," I said walking away.
Around 8:30 PM they were already staring at each other hungrily again. By 9:00 they just stood and walked into Walt's room, leaving me alone with the TV. I followed immediately, stopping at the open doorway. Walt practically ripped her shorts off, as she did the same to him.
In less than a minute she was on the bed, clutching his ass cheeks, with his cock stuffed down her milking throat. His pot-belly nearly covered her pretty face, but I could hear her loud wet slurping sounds as she sucked it hungrily.
After a while, he started to grunt and pulled away, but she kept holding him in deep, ********* to let him go. I could tell he was very near to cumming, and that is exactly what she wanted him to do. Walt had other plans it seemed, as he pushed her mouth off his cock, tumbling her onto her back.
"You hungry bitch," he growled at her. "Get on your hands and knees."
She turned around, looking over her shoulder at him in fear. He got behind her and rubbed just the head of his cock across her pussy as she groaned. He let her savor a few inches of his thick meat before he pulled it out and produced a tube of KY, rubbing it onto his cock and into her asshole.
He slowly inserted a finger, then another. I knew she liked this when she was fucking, but that was as far as she'd ever let me go. She knew what was coming next, her eyes wide with fear as she stared at me as though hoping I'd intervene. Fat chance of that. She was finally getting exactly what she deserved.
I loved her and didn't want to see her hurt, but I was having trouble breathing and my dick was so hard it ached. If I moved I figured I'd erupt.
Walt grabbed her hips in his huge hands and pushed his cock head against her puckered anus, shoving, grunting with the effort. Anna screamed but Walt just kept pushing until the fat knob was inside her. Then he let her rest. Anna was sobbing into the pillow.
Walt said, "If I stop, I go. That what you want?"
Anna was a proud woman and it hurt me to see her grovel like this, but she said, "No. Please don't go. Just do it. I'll be all right."
Walt grinned like he'd known what she'd say all along, grinding his pelvis forward again, as another couple inches of meat disappeared into her asshole. I hated his grin. I hated him, but I couldn't move a muscle, locked into what was happening. I watched Anna's tear-streaked face twist with anguish, her eyes clinching tightly.
"Play with your pussy," Walt growled as he pushed harder.
Anna's hand went between her legs, rubbing frantically. After a few moments of this I saw her fingers were wet and she seemed to be handling it a little better. Walt's horse cock was over halfway inside her and he was still pushing, determined to reach his goal.
I noticed his cock was thicker at the base and wondered how he'd ever make it all the way in. He'd be inside her colon if he did. I felt I could cum without even touching myself. Walt paused, motionless, just letting her hang on his cock like a frog on a spit.
The hand in her pussy was flying now, and she was starting to make little sounds and move her ass a bit. Soon, she began rotating her ass in small circles, pushing backward against his unmoving cock.
Grabbing her hips again, Walt suddenly buried his cock to the public hair inside her, his pot belly resting on her ass as she came apart at the seams, moaning, crying, sliding up and down the torturing cock buried in her asshole.
Mesmerized, I watched as my beautiful wife squirmed like a woman possessed on another man's large cock; her long dark hair flying wildly, small ****** sounds coming from her pretty twisted mouth while she attempted to shove her entire hand into her gapping pussy.
It was awesome. I'd never witnessed anything like it. Oh sure, I'd seen porno films where women are paid to act as if they're enjoying being fucked in the ass, but this was my beautiful wife! My Anna! And she wasn't acting! Walt had had enough by this time and suddenly began pounding her ass like there was no tomorrow.
Anna simply went berserk, screaming and crying into her pillow as she finally came, wave after wave wracking her slender body for a long time. Then, Walt grunted loudly, threw his head back and his entire body went stiff as he also cried out and came hard, pouring load after load deep into her bowels. I simply touched my cock and shot all over the bedroom carpet.
I lay in bed and listened as Walt fucked my Anna again the next morning before she drove him to the airport. It was loud and prolonged, lasting for nearly an hour before I heard Anna cry out as she came. I was simply too spent to move.
We didn't speak about it, and I didn't try to ass fuck her for nearly a week. When I finally did, she didn't complain, in fact, I think she enjoyed having something smaller than Walt's ham-sized cock in there. I know I did.
Something had happened to Anna that night with Walt's cock in her ass. She was almost insatiable after that, whenever we made love. I couldn't keep up with her anymore. She wanted everything, several times. I tried, but couldn't last long enough to completely satisfy her.
I knew we had crossed over some kind of threshold. I decided to start looking for some local help. I still didn't know how Anna would accept that, but I could see she was growing more and more sexually frustrated, and that my cock wasn't enough for her anymore.
I long for the days we had before we ever met Walt - or these two black devils. I wonder if Anna ever does.


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Ch. 04
After Walt went back to the Middle East and there was small chance of his returning on a regular basis, Anna became withdrawn and depressed at times. Gone was the old carefree Anna I knew and loved.
I had to do something, besides – I admit it - I couldn't wait to see Anna impaled of another big cock. What started out as a simple sexual experiment has now become immensely complicated, and will possibly end up costing me everything. Yet, neither Anna nor I can stop this train from moving. It's all water under the bridge now, I guess. In any event, our lives are so changed from the upper in-come, suburban couple everyone envied a year ago. My beautiful proper wife now admits something she never knew about herself - that she's a sex addict - and I guess if I'd admit it, I'm a pervert.
Anna told me recently that she can't pass a man on the street without looking at his crouch and wondering about the size of his cock. She said she even fantasizes about the delivery boy and our yard maintenance crew. It sounds sick, but when she told me that, I got a boner so hard she had to suck me off before I could go to work.
I know she loves me but that she doesn't particularly enjoy having sex with me - it doesn't have the same forbidden excitement she experiences when she fucks other men. She also needs the control they exhibit over her, which I've tried giving her but have failed to provide.
I now know something about her that I don't think even she knows. Anna is a total sub. She lusts after the big, rough, less attractive guys who'll use her mercilessly, wipe their cocks on her and leave. Proud and cool in public, she'll now do anything some man demands of her, when she's like that. I came home a few days in a row to find her crying. She didn't want to talk about it but after my repeated prodding she relented. She said she'd spoken to a shrink about her "problem," just an initial consultation. She gave me his card and said he'd agreed to tell me what he'd revealed to her.
I told her it was a bunch of crap, but called him the next day anyway. Doctor Meeks told me Anna was indeed a sex addict. It probably had been a latent condition, and that some recent event or experience had awakened it. I knew that "recent event or experience" had been a guy named Walt, and that it'd all been my fault.
I didn't tell him that though. His analysis was different than Anna's. He said the size of the man's penis was irrelevant, except that it probably offered her the necessary pain she needed to justify her pleasure. Also it had been the feeling that she'd had no control over -or blame for - what she was doing, and that it was the forbidden nature of the act itself that had affected Anna so profoundly.
Mine and Anna's sex life was probably routine and sometimes boring to both of us, he'd correctly stated. He surmised she'd obtained such an adrenaline high from that first forbidden act with Walt in our living room that she'd since been trying to replicate it OVER AND OVER, since.
She would likely continue doing that until she received professional help. That wouldn't come until later, he speculated. Because, like with most ******* or **** addicts, the sexual releases she pursued were so intense that she wouldn't want to change until she'd reached rock-bottom, and had no other choice.
Also, like with other addicts, if she didn't get her "fix" she might go into deep depressions, even become suicidal. He told me the signs to watch for, telling me to call him. I didn't even ask him about why I got off so much by watching her. I was afraid of his answer, I guess.
As her depression grew worse, I knew I had to do something. I told myself it was for Anna, and I still believe it was. I looked at all the emails I'd received on this site and on others, concerning my stories about Anna. Many wanted to meet her. Several had even sent me photos of their cocks. One in particular I remembered.
The guy's cock was immense; thick and long, slightly curved to the left. He'd asked for a picture of her twice, and I'd finally weakened and sent him one of her in her bikini. I figured he'd just use it to jerk-off but then I started worrying it'd show up on the internet. I vowed I'd never do that again. Besides, he lived in California. Much too far away.
I'd heard of Creigslist, but had never visited the site. I was surprised to find such things as men seeking women, men seeking men, etc. There were even picture of men's erect cocks, advertising themselves.
From what Doc Meeks had said, I knew Anna had an obsession with large dicks, so I weeded most out right up front. One jumped out though. It was a photo with the face cropped, of a rather fat guy naked from the waist down.
His cock didn't appear very much longer than mine – certainly not the length of Walt's – but it was as thick as a beer can. He said he was in Dallas for two days and wanted some good pussy. No drama, just a good fuck.
I sent one of those anonymous email replies and it was answered in less than an hour. It said to meet him in the hotel lounge where he stayed at 7:00 PM that evening, signing it "Albert."
My hands were shaking with excitement and my mouth was like cotton by this time. I called Anna an asked if she wanted to get out of the house for a ***** with one of my clients. Sounding in better spirits, she said okay. When I arrived home, Anna was dressed casually in a light pull-over sweater and white shorts. As usual, she looked devastating. In the car she asked who the client was, expecting someone from my office. I handed her Albert's picture – the one from the neck down - his cock sticking straight out.
She just stared silently at it for a few minutes as I watched from the corner of my eye. Holding it in her lap, she looked back out the window for a while, glancing down several times at Albert's photo.
By the time we reached the hotel, her face was slightly flushed. We never spoke a word as we pulled into the hotel parking lot, got out and went inside.
Albert was easy to spot. He was the only one in the lounge, a rotund, balding man in an expensive sport jacket and no tie. He smiled and stood as we approached, sticking out his hand.
"Hi Folks. Call me Al."
He looked Anna up and down slowly, as her face colored. For whatever shortcomings he had in the looks department, Albert didn't lack for self-confidence. We have a ***** and Albert asked Anna to dance a slow song with him. She reluctantly accepted and they moved off, Albert's pants tented in the front. When he pulled her close, I knew she could feel it.
He was shorter than Anna, but he danced well and they stayed for a second dance. When they returned to the table, Anna's face was more flushed and Albert's pants protruded even further.
After another *****, Albert suggested we go to his suite for a night cap. Anna didn't look at either of us as she stood and went along. Albert had a small suite with a large living/dining area and bar. Anna sat on the sofa and I sit on a large over-stuffed chair.
Playing the gracious host, he fixed us a ***** and sit by Anna. I could see by his pants that he still had a hard-on. I knew Anna could see it too.
When there was a break in the conversation, Albert just unfastened his belt, pushed his pants and shorts down around his knees, and laid back, his cock standing straight up.
"Is this what you came to see?" he asked boldly.
No longer than mine, his cock was fully as thick as a beer can, with an even larger crown. Thick blue vanes stuck out all over it, making it appear even more formidable.
He was gazing at Anna, who was staring at his cock as though awestruck. Albert took her limp hand and placed it on his dick, moving it slowly up and down. Anna's gaze never wavered, but she was breathing raggedly through half-open lips.
"Why don't you get down there and lick it, beautiful? We all know you're going to, so just do it."
He pulled on her arm, helping her kneel on the carpet in front of him. Her eyes never left his cock.
He didn't have to ***** her. Closing her eyes, she leaned forward and began licking it around that humongous knob. She opened her lips and slid them all over the bulbous head, leaving it wet, and then she licked his cock from top to bottom and back up.
Albert groaned softly, my cock was aching so I loosened my belt, unzipped my pants and let it out from its confides. The hotel room air felt cool on it as it throbbed, growing harder.
Anna was trying to swallow that huge piece of meat without success. It was simply too thick to enter her throat. All she could manage was to get her working mouth around the head of it. I watched her cheeks collapse with the suction as she worked on it. My own dick throbbed urgently each time she swallowed.
Her face pressed against Albert's flab, his ass cheeks clinching tightly, his thighs straining with the effort. I could barely breathe and my heart was pounding wildly inside my chest. If I touched my dick I knew I would cum, so I waited. It would be a long night. Albert's voice brought me back.
"You've got a beautiful wife here, partner. She looks particularly lovely trying to stuff my cock down her throat. I'm gonna fill-up her pretty little mouth with a hot load of cum in about a minute. It's been a while for me."
His face screwed-up and he looked even uglier as he strained to keep from cumming. I could see he was fighting it, trying to prolong the experience of having the most beautiful woman he'd ever had sucking his cock.
"Oh . . ." he growled, "I'm going to love stuffing my cock inside that sweet pussy."
Anna, making love to his cockhead, seemed oblivious to his words, so focused was she on sucking that large cock down her milking throat. I believe she and that bloated cock were the only two things that existed for her at the moment.
I watched as she ran her open lips up and down its length, sucking each of his hairy balls tenderly into her mouth, her eyes closed. Then back up the shaft to engulf it again. I almost shot my load at that.
Albert had reached his limit too. Grunting loudly, holding her face on his cock, he shot a string of cum into her mouth and she swallowed convulsively. He must've stored up for a while because he shot string after string for a full minute. Her mouth was like a seal around his cockhead, not losing a drop, hungrily swallowing it all to pool in her soft belly.
I unloaded so hard into my tissue that my prostrate ached. I sat with my head down for a few minutes, trying to stop shaking. Anna was still licking Albert's cock like it was a lollipop as he slumped back against the sofa.
After a while, he said, "Get up and strip." His voice sounded raspy in the quiet room. Anna obediently stood and pulled her sweater over her head. She wasn't wearing a bra and her breasts stood straight out in the cool room. I heard Albert gasp. "My god, your tits are perfect!"
Anna didn't answer, didn't even look at him as she pushed her shorts down and stepped free. Albert's mouth was wide open now, his tongue practically hanging out.
"You are the most beautiful fucking woman I have ever seen," he whispered hoarsely. "Get on the bed."
Anna crawled onto the bed and lay on her back, legs slightly apart. She was wet, a sliver of pink showing between her swollen pussy lips. In an instant, Albert was between her long tan legs with his face buried in those lips.
Anna cried out, pressing her thighs against his face as her hands found the back of his head, pulling him closer. Her face contorted, the cords in her neck and shoulders standing out. She rode his face for several minutes, growing louder as she approached her climax.
Albert must've had his tongue buried all the way to the navel as he lapped her cunt unmercifully. I watched as he sucked one pussy lip out, pulling it with his lips, then the other, as she moaned and wiggled against his face.
There was something extremely nasty about seeing my beautiful wife squirming around on this fat little troll's tongue, or sucking his bloated cock. I can't deny that. Still, it hurt somewhere deep inside.
Growing hard again, I watched with growing envy as he drove my Anna right out of her mind. How I longed for her to react to my love-making in this manner. Recalling Doc Meeks words, I realized the reason. I just wasn't nasty enough for her. Doing it with me was - boring. She needed forbidden fruit, the adrenaline rush caused by doing something extremely vulgar and forbidden with a total stranger.
I told myself that by doing this, it might help her cope with depression. Meeks had said she could become suicidal, right? I figured I could live with her fucking some guy a couple times a month if it kept her from becoming so depressed.
What I pushed to the back of my mind was him telling me she's a sex addict, and that she'd continue to seek new ways to obtain her sex-high until she'd finally reached rock bottom. I realize now I was self-serving fool, but at the moment my cock was as hard as glass.
I saw Albert had pushed her legs up, sliding his tongue down her crack and eating her puckered asshole as she climbed his head. Anna seemed to be coming apart at the seams. She came so loudly and drawn-out, screaming with her release, that I was afraid other hotel guests might call hotel security.
Her cries finally diminished into small whimpers, but Albert just kept licking, sucking and chewing for a long time until she began to moan and move her ass around again. Then he crawled up farther, holding her legs in the crooks of his arms, he positioned the head of his fat cock over her opening and pushed that bloated thing against her swollen pussy lips.
It was a difficult entry but she didn't fight it; to the contrary, she pushed back, lifting her ass, trying to help him get inside. Then I remembered how Walt had stretched and hurt her as he pushed that big horse cock of his into her.
I figured if she'd accommodated that thing she could handle this one okay. Both Anna and Albert grunted as the head finally popped inside, followed by about half of his fat cock. Anna raised her knees to her chest and that did it, the entire thing disappeared until his balls pressed against her ass. The look on her face said it all. She was in total bliss.
Albert didn't give her a chance to rest, hammering into her like a mad-man, without any warm-up. She didn't pull away - instead, remaining still for just a moment until her vagina had adjusted to his girth. Then she began pushing her ass up to meet his thrusts.
For the next fifteen minutes, the room was filled with their grunts and the wet sound of slapping flesh. They'd both taken the edge off earlier, so it seemed neither was in much of a hurry to reach their climax.
Having also cum earlier, I was now at the point I could slowly stroke my cock in time with their thrusts. Albert's fat little ass cheeks would quiver each time he plowed that thick cock inside her, jarring her slender body violently.
She didn't seem to mind. Whenever she seemed to draw close, he'd push all the way inside her, rest his flabby belly on her ass-cheeks and hold it there - just stopped moving as he watched her grunting and wriggling against his cock.
I noticed him smiling at me.
"This is really some fine pussy," he said. "Best looking woman I ever fucked, I'll tell you that."
Anna's thighs were hugging him, her hands grasping his chubby ass to pull his cock even deeper inside her. She looked desperate. Albert suddenly lowered his face and swallowed her mouth, sticking his tongue down her throat.
Moaning, she answered with her own tongue, kissing him back. Her arms slipped up and around his neck as she grinded her pussy against his cock. Seeing her kiss another man this way hurt more than watching him fuck her.
I could see they were both close to cumming. They were making all kinds of noises, gyrating and humping frantically to reach their goal. Anna came first, howling into Albert's open mouth as she licked his fat lips.
Her first climax had only been a warm-up for this one. She came like a banshee, and it seemed to take forever. Then Albert couldn't take it any longer either, his body arching backward stiffly, groaning like he was injured. Still, they sucked each other's tongues as though it were a life-giving *****.
After an eternity, he rolled off her and tiredly pulled himself up to sit against the headboard. Anna, exhausted and appearing only semi-conscious, lie where he'd left her, legs apart, mouth open, eyes closed.
Her pussy had been stretched to the limit and it remained open, its pink walls exposed and a river of cum running down the crack of her ass, dripping onto the bedspread. I was mesmerized by it. It was the most erotic sight I'd ever seen. I'd cum about the same time they had, but I felt ***** rush into it again as I viewed the scene of their passion.
Albert was smiling right at me again as he shook Anna's shoulder. She looked up, a question on her face. His smile never leaving me, staring into my eyes, he pushed her face downward onto his cock, rubbing it against his slimy crotch.
"I've always wanted to do that to some pretty woman," he said, moving her unresisting face around to clean himself up. "You need to leave now. I've got one more day before I have to fly out. It'll be a long day tomorrow. I get off at five. If you want a repeat performance, come around 'bout seven-ish, after dinner. That'll give your little honey a chance to think about what I did to her and she'll be climbing the walls by then."
He watched as I pulled up my pants and retrieved a washcloth to clean Anna's sticky face. I then searched around for her clothing and helped her dress. Cum ran down her long legs, so I wiped them clean as best I could, and fastened her shorts.
Leaning on my shoulder for support, I assisted her to the door as Albert said softly, "Sure a fine-looking woman."
I called Anna around 10:00 AM the following morning and she still sounded groggy. I asked if she wanted to go back to Albert's hotel for a ***** after work and she said emphatically, "No!"
I arrived home just before five, to find an outstanding meal ready. Afterward, we went out and sat by the pool, *****ing wine. I saw Anna glance at her watch occasionally and suspected what that meant.
As 7:00 o'clock drew closer, she became more restless, her words shorter, no eye contact. It was a twenty minute drive to the airport hotel.
At 6:30, I said, "You want to get out of the house for a ***** before bedtime?"
She jumped up and grabbed her purse.
We pulled into the parking lot, neither saying a word as we rode the elevator to the fourth floor. I knocked on Albert's door and he opened it wearing only his boxer-shorts. Stepping back, he was all smiles.
"My friends from last night! Come on in!"


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He walked straight to the sofa, pulled off his shorts and sit down. "Let's not pretend we don't all know what we're here for. Hurry over here and suck my cock until it's hard. I've been thinking about it all day." Anna was on her knees in a flash, like a starving person she took his half-softened cock nearly all the way down her throat, moaning in pleasure. Apparently she'd been thinking about this all day, too.
As soon as it was hard enough, Albert pulled her up and positioned her over his stiff cock. She lowered her ass and rubbed the giant head through her vulva a couple times, grunting softly, sounding a little desperate.
Then, she just sat down and impaled herself, crying out with pain and pleasure. I fumbled for my cock as I found the same chair I'd occupied the previous night. I had a bird's eye view, watching as she eased herself up and down on his bloated cock.
Albert said, "Take it easy baby, we got all night. I don't have to leave until tomorrow afternoon. I plan to use every hole you have and to do it real slow. I may never find another woman like you and I plan to remember this." Albert fucked her slow, then fast, and then slow again, until they both reached a shuddering climax, screaming into each other's mouth.
That was the first of several for the night. He nailed her in every position possible. The old guy had remarkable stamina and could cum multiple times, unlike me. I was a two-fer at best.
The finale came around midnight when he placed her on her knees, saying, "Now, I'm gonna fuck that puckered little asshole I've been licking for the past two days. You want me to stop, say so right now, otherwise keep your mouth shut."
Anna silently lay her head down on the bedspread and closed her eyes. She didn't utter a word. Albert produced a tube and spread some of it on his cock, then around and inside her asshole. He positioned his cock head against her puckered rim, pausing to grin at me.
There was simply no way it would fit, I thought. Then I remembered Walt and his giant cock. It had finally fit but with a lot of pain. I hoped this wouldn't be too painful for Anna.
Albert grasped her hips and began shoving until the head finally popped inside her greased anus. Anna didn't pull away. She pushed back against it as she fingered her vulva lips. Maybe she'd learned something from her experience, by Walt ass-fucking her that way. It looked painful to me and maybe she even enjoyed the pain, but Anna seemed to be oblivious, attempting to get Albert's hunk of meat all the way inside.
It wasn't long before Albert's grotesquely fat dick was buried in all the way to his hairy balls. It was an awesome sight, my cock lurched crazily just by watching from it.
Anna's ass began making those little circles again as small sounds drifted back to me through her half-open mouth. I wondered if I'd spoil it for her if I went over and shoved my dick into her pretty mouth. I couldn't take the chance so I just stroked it slowly.
It wasn't long before they were fucking like *******, the sound of their grunts and his thighs hitting her ass echoing in the room.
"Tell me to fuck you," he gasped.
"Oh . . . yes, fuck me," she responded obediently.
"Tell me to fuck your ass,"
"Please . . . fuck my ass. Fuck it hard."
I'd never heard Anna say anything like that during sex. Never.
"Are you a slut? Is my cock better than your husband's" Albert shocked me by that. "Oh god yes. I love your cock. I love your cock up my ass. It's the best!"
Albert laughed wickedly. "I'm going to let you clean it off after we're through," he said. "You'll do it, too you nasty slut."
He kept talking dirty to her but Anna was too far gone to even answer. Her eyes were rolled up in her head and she was making little ****** sounds through her open mouth, attempting to get even more of Albert's thick cock inside her colon.
I could see she was nearly ready to explode. So was I. Albert's cock was having little difficulty sliding in and out of her anus now, stretched as she was, but Anna squirmed on it like a woman possessed.
Albert suddenly arched his back and shot a load deep inside her bowels, yelling his pleasure. Anna was right behind him, sobbing and crying as she bit her forearm until it ****. I shot halfway across the room, leaving me weak enough to collapse against the chair back.
I don't know how long I stayed that way, but Albert's voice brought me back.
"Clean my cock, you nasty little slut. Lick it off."
Groaning a small protest at having to move, Anna slid around and took his slimy cock in her mouth, sucking and slurping on it loudly. I felt sick at what might have been on it, but strangely excited too. I couldn't have gotten another hard-on if my life depended on it. Apparently, neither could Albert.
"You two get out of here now so I can get some rest." He smiled evilly. "I'll give you a call if I get back up this way."
He was looking at Anna as though trying to burn her beauty on his memory.
I took Anna home, put her into a hot tub of bubble-bath and shampooed her lustrous hair. I wrapped her robe around her and led her to our bed, pulling the sheets up. She smiled weakly and was instantly asleep. The intensity of her orgasms had totally exhausted her. ****, I was tired and I hadn't been butt-fucked for an hour like she had.
I stared down at her angelic face, long lashes against soft unblemished cheeks, she looked clean and innocent. I brushed a wayward strand of hair from her forehead, caressing her with my eyes, just loving her.
Disregarding her recent sexual proclivities, Anna's still the most remarkable woman I've ever met. Her deep throaty voice draws people like flies, her beauty and intelligent keeps them around her.
I briefly wondered what her classy friends would've said if they'd seen her just a few hours earlier. It was hard to imagine that less than an hour ago those full, beautiful lips had been wrapped tightly around another man's cock, hungrily sucking loads of cum from it.
A short time earlier this woman had lain in a hotel room bed, cum leaking from every orifice in her body as she cleaned the slime off the man's cock who had just fucked her in the ass.
Rationally I could separate that cum-soaked slut from the woman I now saw. That was how Doctor Meeks had said life with a sex-addict would be, so I knew we'd have about a month before she'd need to do it again and that was what I lived for. I loved this woman and I vowed I'd do anything it took to keep her.
Our life was almost perfect for a full three weeks. Then Anna became depressed again.


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Ch. 05
Both Anne and I have now settled into our roles and I'm not sure we would change anything even if we could. I no longer try to deny the fact that I like watching what she does to other men, and she no longer fights her uncontrollable impulses.
She just compliantly, obediently lets the men I bring home do whatever they want to her as I watch and jerk-off. We are both completely addicted to it, and yes, we still love each other and have great sex together.
We have a few "regulars" she services. They will come by our house periodically, or when they're in town. Al, the guy I found him on Craig's List (I wrote about him in one of the previous stories), comes to Dallas every couple months, but he is becoming too abusive and perverse even for us.
After he'd finished using Anne for hours the last time in town, he actually urinated on her as she lay exhausted, laughing as he did. I was really pissed about that and told him if he did that again he couldn't come back. He just smirked as he left, and for some reason Anne wants him back again. He has one of the thickest cocks I've ever seen on any man, and I know that's the reason.
Later, she even said it wasn't all that bad being pissed upon. I asked Cleo about the incident and she said it was just "phase" and it would pass.
I work out a lot at the gym and sometimes notice guys in the shower who are well hung, befriending them and eventually inviting some of them over for ******. Or, maybe Anne and I will just go to a bar or hotel lounge where she will indicate if she is interested in someone there, and I will do the rest.
One would think she'd go for the handsome hunks. She doesn't. Anne likes the big rough-looking guys, sometimes, even the fatter ones. Looks are not important to her. I once asked her if she wanted me to find her some bikers and she said, no, she prefers one-on-one situations.
Yes, I am jealous and it hurts as I watch her stare into a guy's eyes as she sucks his tongue, wallowing beneath him like a snake. But my throbbing cock doesn't know this. It never gets old watching as she slips to her knees on a new man and takes his cock into her throat for the first time - seeing him pounding a thick cock into her wonderfully-rounded ass as she moans and twists in front of him.
I'm hard now just thinking about it.
Once in a while, picking up strangers gets sort of dangerous. Like the guy last month. We went to one of our favorite places, an up-scale hotel near the airport.
Lots of out-of-towners stay there. One guy made a bee-line for Anne as soon as I made a pit-stop. I came back and saw him at her table, went to the bar and drank a beer as I watched them. By that time, I already had a boner.
He looked a lot like Walt, the guy I mentioned earlier, but a little younger - mid-forties. Big guy, older than me, with a beer gut, big hands, needing a shave. After a few minutes of chit-chat, they got up to dance, if you could call it that.
Anne wore a short pleated skirt, and heels. This guy had to bend over her, but his knee was tightly pressed against her pussy. They drifted toward the back of the dance floor where he immediately smashed his mouth down on hers. I saw their tongues were busy. I grasped my hard cock inside my pocket and watched them dry-fuck on the dance floor.
As the song ended, she led him by the hand towards me, smiling. His pants were protruding out a good six inches but he didn't seem to notice. I didn't say a word, just dug out my car keys and headed for the parking lot as they followed.
Anne got into the rear seat with him and I watched in the mirror. I was barely out of the parking lot when I saw her face-down in his lap, and slurping sounds coming from behind me. I will say this. When she pulled off of it, I could see the guy was hung like Walt - who had the biggest hammer I'd ever seen.
I almost ran off the road watching her lick down the shaft and then engulf it again, a tiny moan escaping her stuffed mouth. We were almost home when I saw him clutch the back of her hair, lift off the seat and grunt. It lasted for a full minute, Anne ******* and gagging when he finally released her head. She took a deep breath and went right back down on it again, slurping loudly for my benefit.
Anne was out the rear car door as soon as I stopped in our driveway, dragging him by the hand. After what she'd just done, she was probably climbing the wall wanting that thing stuffed inside her drenched pussy. I'd had to look away several times to keep from cumming myself.
The guy didn't even look at me. It was as if I didn't even exist. As for me, my cock hurt so bad I could barely follow them inside. I found Anne's dress on the floor outside our bedroom door.
That hurt. She'd taken him into our bedroom this time. Usually it was the guestroom. I stopped at the door and saw she was already sucking his cock back to full mast again. It was like a horse's cock. Her slender frame looked small in front of his hulking figure. He did have a gut, but his chest was thick and hairy, his tanned thighs large and muscular.
A shiver of dread shot through me as I wondered if Anne might get more than she bargained for this time. He roughly shoved her onto her back and she lay there with her legs open, half fearful, staring up at him expectantly.
His little grin looked like a wolf as he moved his cock close to her opening, held it there for an instant. I could see she was more than ready, open, pink showing, glistening wet.
Still, the head of that huge thing looked like a baseball trying to get inside her, as he grunted and shoved it against her open pussy lips. Anne cried out with what sounded more like pain than lust, as he finally popped inside.
He offered her no respite as those large thighs drove forward, ******* the stiff meat along her smaller shaft, until I heard her cry out softly, "Wait. Please give me . . ."
He plunged into her, pulling her hips toward him, his thick arms knotted with effort as she cried out again. I wondered if I should try to help her, although I knew this guy could break me in two like a match if he wanted. He was finally inside her, mostly, his nuts dangling against her quivering ass, still grinning down at her. He stared at me for a moment.
"This is one fine-looking piece of ass you have for a wife, faggot. Watch what a real man can do."
As he withdrew, the pink lining of her pussy channel came with it, then he plunged back inside as she cried out again, tears flowing this time. She flopped around like a rag doll as he held her against his groin, pounding into her like a machine.
Finally her hands came up to grasp his shoulders, slowly sliding down to cup his ass, lifting up to meet his thrusts and pulling his ass into her as she fought to reach the orgasm she'd been wanting ever since leaving the hotel.
He lowered his mouth and my sweet Anne offered hers in return, licking his thick lips, biting them, sucking them, taking his tongue. Jealousy surged through me and I couldn't take any more, exploding into a tissue, over and over until my knees felt they'd collapse.
Gasping for breath, I sagged onto the carpet just as Anne screamed out with her orgasm. He was only seconds behind her. The only sounds in the room for a full five minutes, was us trying to catch our breath.
Then he said, "Get over here and lick this thing clean, Faggot."
What? He was talking to me! I stumbled to my feet and backed toward the door as he laughed.
"You like cock, don't cha? Come on."
As I retreated, I heard Anna explaining that I wasn't gay, I only like to watch big cocks entering her.
His name was Larry. He was a construction engineer, there to evaluate a new city development. He would be in Dallas for three more days. He told us both he'd be staying with us, not giving us an opening to complain. Larry was absolutely fearsome, his eyes boring right through you like he could pull your legs off and not feel a thing.
OK, I was scared of him, and Anne said she was too. Rubbing salt into the wound, he slept in my bedroom – with my wife. He also forbid me to watch them, relegating me to the guest bedroom, listening to their rutting all night, only able to imagine what they were doing to each other.
They were still ******** when I left for work the next morning. I found them on the pool when I got home, he in swim trunks, her in the familiar white shorts and stretchy halter-top. He was wet, like he'd been for a lap in the pool, Anne looking fresh and beautiful.
I heard her laughter before I saw them. I changed from sport coat and tie, into shorts and t-shirt before joining them. Our bed was still unmade.
As I came out, Larry was seated beside Anne on the loveseat. He called out, "Bring me a beer when you come."
"You know where they are, Larry. I worked hard and I'm tired."
I knew instantly that was a mistake. His mean eyes froze me in place. "I'm tired, too, Faggot. I been fucking your pretty wife all day. Now bring me a fucking beer before I slap the piss out of you."
I brought him a beer, setting it on the table, taking a seat across from them. Staring me in the eyes, Larry dared me to say anything as he took Anne's unresisting hand and ran it under the loose leg of his trunks. I saw her grasp him through the cloth, watching as he grew stiff. He had that wolf's grin on his face, and I knew he was taunting me, his eyes locked on mine.
"How many times did we fuck today, Doll?"
Anne hesitated, but I could see Larry had somehow already intimidated her today as well.
"I . . . don't know. Maybe three?"
"And a blow job, right?"
"Yes," she responded in a small voice.
"I just can't get enough of this fine looking ass, Faggot," he said in a deep voice.
"I'm not a faggot."
"If I say you're a faggot, you're a faggot. Say another word and I'll have you sucking my cock. Got it?"
I nodded silently, glaring back. I had to tell him to leave, but if I did, he'd probably beat me to a pulp – at the very least. Maybe it was better to wait him out for, what? Two more days? An eternity. I silently groaned. I wasn't sucking him off, that was for sure.
"Just for being a wiseass, watch this. Suck my cock, Doll face."
Anne obediently dropped to her knees and tugged his shorts down, pulling them off. His sacks were huge, laying limply between his hairy thighs, that horse cock already semi-hard. Whatever he'd done to her earlier, she didn't hesitate, swallowing the whole thing. He grinned at me.
"She's good. The best I ever had. Best looking too. Maybe, I'll keep her."
That really scared me. I'd fight him if he tried something like that.
"I like people to do what I tell them. Your wife has already learned that, and you will too. Don't believe it? Watch."
He pushed her mouth away, raised his knees and wrapped his hairy arms under them, sliding down, spreading the hairy cheeks of his ass.
"Come on and show hubby you know what to do, Doll face."
Anne lowered her face into his steamy crack and began feasting on his hole. She licked, bit, slurped as Larry grinned at me. I couldn't hide the fact that I had a boner, sticking straight up inside the soft fabric of my Jersey shorts.
He finally pushed her wet face away, pulling her up to straddle his red cock. "Sit on it and get me off. Don't cum though. You know what will happen if you disobey me."
Nodding eagerly, almost frantically she climbed over him, positioned her cunt over his throbbing meat, and slowly lowered onto it. It pushed inside, stretching her lips apart so I'd never be able to satisfy her again. How she took it all I'll never know, but soon she was bouncing on it like she was going out of her mind, growing louder and louder as she approached her climax.
"I'm . . . almost there . . . baby . . . can I cum?"
"No," he said, staring at me.
"Please baby. I can't . . ."
"Better listen to me bitch. I said no."
"Oh . . . god . . . I pleaseeee?"
I could see her toes working and knew she was cumming. She was going nuts riding his cock, sobbing, hair flying around, covering her face. What he'd do to her because she disobeyed him, I didn't know yet. I was close, myself. Did I need permission, too? Fuck him.
As she slowly came down from her climax, he said, "Now you've done it Bitch. Get up."
Anne's face was tear-streaked, her eyes filled with fear as she stared up at him. "I haven't gotten off yet," he said. "Bend over the chair and spread 'em."
"Please . . ." she muttered.
He grasped her arm and I could see it hurt. "Remember?" he said.
"Yes." She turned around, bend over the chair, and spread her ass cheeks with both hands. Larry grinned at me as he positioned himself behind her.
"See how this obedience thing works?" he said, winking.
No way would that baseball-sized knob fit inside her puckered asshole. I knew Walt, who was also well-hung, and Al who was thick as a beer can, had done it to her, but this thing looked even more formidable.
My cock throbbed with pain as I watched him press its crown against the little brown ring.
"Please don't," she muttered softly.
Hands on each of her hips, Larry pulled her back against his rampant cock, pushing his thighs forward. Anne sobbed, softly at first, then louder.
"Better bite your arm or something," he said. "If you scream, I'm gonna bury it all at once."
I saw Anne's mouth close on her arm, and heard muffled screams as he ploughed deeper inside her bowels. I could feel my nuts churning as I fought to keep from shooting my load. I wanted to help her, but was rooted to the spot, heart beating like a steam engine. He took maybe five minutes to get inside, and I could see her swollen belly once he'd made it.
She was whimpering now, like a small hurt ******. Larry slowly pulled the lining of her bowels out as he withdrew, then back inside.
"You should've listened to me, Doll face. I said don't cum."
His pace was picking up some now, and soon, he was driving into her ass like he did her pussy. I noticed Anne no longer cried out, only moaning a little. Soon she was helping him.
Finally, she cried out, "Can I cum, Larry. Please let me."
He waited a moment, then said, "Do it Bitch. Do it."
Larry's nuts tightened up and his cock throbbed as he shot his load deep inside my wife's bowels. I could see Anne's swollen pussy lips quivering as she also came. I watched them climax together as I shot halfway across the pool.
As Larry withdrew a river of cum streams from her ******** little asshole, which was now gapping open and raw looking. The next two days was going to be hell.
The next day was Friday and as I arrived home from work around 6:30 PM, I met Larry and my wife just leaving. Anne was dressed fit to ****, in a short black dress and heels. "Going out to dinner," he said gruffly.
Then he grinned. "Looks great, doesn't she?"
I wanted to **** him, but I'd probably need a gun for that, so I helplessly watched them drive off in her Lexus. I made up my mind I'd tell him to leave as soon as they returned. I could call the police, but my neighborhood wasn't used to things like that and it would cause a real screen. I couldn't threaten him. He'd probably just beat the **** out of me – maybe her too. I'd have to think about this.
I was watching TV around 10:30 when I heard the Lexus drive into the driveway. When they came in, her face seemed red and I could tell they'd both been ********.
Larry paused to see the score on TV, "The fucking Heat's gonna win this round, but when they get to San Antonio, the Spurs 'll kick their ass!"
I didn't answer as they sat down together on the couch. Anne curled up with her long legs under her, and Larry placed a possessive hand on her covered thigh. We watched the game in silence for a while and Larry said, "Get me a beer, will you Babe?"
Anne didn't look at me as she obediently went to do his bidding. Coming back, she handed him the bottle and curled up beside him again. This time her skirt was a little higher on her legs and his hand rested on her bare thigh. Toward the end of the 4th quarter, I glanced over to see his hand had traveled upward quite a bit.
"That was one fine steak," he said to no one in particular. He mentioned the name of the restaurant they'd gone. It was the best in Dallas, one of mine and Anne's favorite.
"Nothing like a good steak while a beautiful woman plays with your cock under the table."
I gripped the arms of my chair and glared at him, but he just grinned back as if he were daring me to retort. He looked absolutely evil. I kept my mouth shut for the moment.
"Doll face here just had a salad," he smirked. "She had her meat after we got to the car. Lots of sauce, too."
Anne's face was burning, but she just bit her lip – then she closed her eyes and I saw her long legs partially part to allow his big hand better access. As the Heat shot their last basket, I heard her softly moan. Larry abruptly stood.
"The Spur will get 'em when they come to town. Come on Doll-face, let's hit the sack." He headed straight for our bedroom without looking back. Anne followed, her eyes averted. I noticed she left the door ajar.
I switched the remote off and just sit there until I heard the unmistakable sound of sex. Although Larry had forbid me to watch them, I went into the adjoining bathroom and peeked in.
He hadn't even taken her dress off. It was bunched up around her slim waist. Anne was on her knees on the bed, Larry behind her with about half of that monster dick buried inside her. Both were straining to get the rest of it inside her wet pussy. He pulled her hips backward as he tightened his huge thighs and thrust into her.
Anne lifted her ass to meet each of his violent surges, seemingly oblivious to any pain he might be causing her. After a minute or two he was buried to the base inside her, his huge balls swinging freely beneath them. I could see Anne's face lying to one side on the bedspread. Her eyes were closed and she looked as though she were in heaven.
I suddenly realized my cock was throbbing so hard it hurt, wrapping my hand around it, seeking relief. Larry slowly eased out of her, pulling pussy walls with the large crown. Anne whimpered, lifting upward, seeking what he was taking away.
I hated the bastard and it hurt to see him doing this my beautiful wife, but I couldn't stop it – and I couldn't stop watching. Unexpectedly, he plunged into her exposed cunt, and began pounding her hole savagely. Anne cried out once, then began helping him ******* her.
"Like that cock, Doll-face?" I heard him growl softly.
"Yes . . . yes," she whispered.
"Better than your faggot husband's little dick?" He was grinning down at the back of her head, and I knew he was trying to humiliate her. When she didn't answer right away, he slammed into her viciously.
Yes," she whispered again. "Better, much better . . ."
That hurt too, but I was so close to cumming I didn't mind much. Larry suddenly stopped, pulling out of her as she whimpered in protest.
"Turn over," he said. "I want to see your face when you cum."
Anne hurriedly complied, flipping onto her back, legs spread wide, waiting for him. Larry crawled over her and slammed his rampant cock into her again as she wrapped her arms and legs around him, hungrily searching for his mouth. I suddenly shot my load into the tissue, long and hard until my knees were weak.
Their orgasms were close behind; Anne twisting, squirming, her screams muffled inside his mouth. Afterward, she whimpered softly as she licked his mouth, her long legs quivering as they still gripped his hips. After a moment, he sli


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After a moment, he slipped from her clasping pussy, thick white sperm gushing out of her behind it.
I lay awake in the guest room and listened to them fuck for hours, before falling to ***** – thinking, another day to go.
I woke up early and found Anne already making coffee in the kitchen. She wore one on my t-shirts and little else. *****y-eyed with a rubbed-red mouth, she looked well-fucked. I'd fallen a***** well after midnight with the sound of their moans, grunts and wet slapping flesh still ringing in my ears. By then my cock was so tender I couldn't touch it.
"Where's the ape?" I said, getting a glass from the cabinet.
She nodded toward our bedroom where I heard a faint snore. I sipped some water. "Hard night?"
She walked up and placed her head on my chest, just holding me. Then, staring into my eyes, she said, "Want to quit doing this? At least, for a while?"
"Think we can? Maybe we could just do it once a month instead of two or three times like we do now."
"I don't know. No. We both get something we need from this. But this guy scares me."
I grinned down at her. "Me too. He has a slight accent. Maybe German?"
She shook her head. "No, he says he's from the Ukraine. He's an ****** – and a sex maniac. He does it four, five times a day. I wake up with him on top of me, then a couple times during the day while you're at work, and after we go to bed again."
She looked a little embarrassed as she said, "He has a thing for anal. Does it at least once every day." She gave a short laugh. "I'm really kind of sore."
"But you don't say no . . . so?"
I'd read something in the news lately about Russians and gangsters from the old Eastern-Block countries, and that jogged my memory. As she finished making the coffee I went to my computer and ran through the articles again. It said Eastern European Mafia types now ran many of the parking lot and construction businesses in and around Dallas. It said they were even more dangerous than the **** cartels and that to join that group they had to have killed someone first.
I firmly believed Larry could ****, probably had. What to do? I heard him stirring around in the bathroom and quickly turned off the computer.
I found Larry in the kitchen with Anne, wearing only his shorts and holding a hot cup of coffee. His arms, legs, chest and back were covered with thick hair. He really did look like an ape. The fly of his shorts gapped open and his thick soft cock was partially visible through the pee-hole.
He was staring at Anne's short t-shirt with male appreciation, as she poured him a cup of coffee – like a dutiful wife should. But she wasn't his wife. She was mine! I sourly wondered if he'd want to fuck her right there on the kitchen counter before ******** his coffee. He saw me standing there and grinned.
"***** well?"
I ignored him, going to get a cup.
"It's my last day in Dallas, so Anne and I are going shopping today. Be back later and we'll all go to dinner."
I started to protest, but figured WTF at last we'd be free of him, so I held my tongue. They left around noon and returned about five-thirty. Anne wore a new cashmere sweater and held an expensive handbag, so I suppose he was just showing his appreciation.
I suppose sometime during the day, she'd also shown him her appreciation in some small way. True to his word, we all got ready and went to dinner at a local Italian place. We took a corner booth, Larry in the middle between Anne and I.
When our food came and we started eating, Larry looked at Anne. "Come on, you know what I like while I'm eating."
Face flaming, Anne reached under the table cloth and I heard the faint sound of his zipper. After a moment, Larry smiled contentedly and resumed eating. After a few minutes he said, "You too. Take hold of my cock."
I quickly got over the fact he wasn't joking. "Fuck you," I said. "I told you I'm not gay."
Larry reached over and grasped Anne by the knee, and I heard her sharp intake of air as she gasped in pain. "I'll hurt her. Bad."
Anne groaned painfully again, so I quickly lowered my hand into his lap, letting her soft fingers guide my hand to its intended target. I'd never felt another man's dick before. It felt huge, much bigger than it looked from a distance. Like mine it was both soft yet hard, at the same time – on a much larger scale, of course. It didn't excite me in any way, but feeling Anne's hand on it, did.
It was extremely intimate in a perverse way, and the feeling of her stroking his long cock up and down, gave me an instant boner. This went on all the time he ate, speeding up until at one point he caught his breath and said, "Stop. Keep your hands there, just don't move 'em." He laughed softly. " ****, I almost shot a load and I don't want to ruin my pants."
After a moment he said, "OK. Do it."
Anne placed her hand over mine and slid it up his shaft to the big crowned head. It felt sticky and I knew it was from pre-cum. She cupped my hand and smeared his fluid all over his dick's head. Larry suddenly wiped his mouth with a napkin, and said, "Okay, let's get out of here."
I went straight to the men's room and washed my hands, disgusted they were so sticky with his sperm. I met them in the parking lot, at the Lexus. Larry handed me the keys and got into the passenger side, immediately unzipping his fly again, and pulling out his fencepost sized dick. He looked expectantly at Anne, who just raised her skirt, got inside and lowered herself down on his cock, facing to the front.
She slow-fucked him all the way home. About a block from home he groaned and grabbed her hips, shooting his load into her. She went absolutely nuts for a couple of moments, crying, biting her lips, hair flying around like a wild woman. I'm just glad a cop didn't see it and pull us over.
The car smelled like fresh-fucked pussy and my cock was so hard it hurt. In the driveway, he opened the door and the Lexus' interior light illuminated us all. Anne slid off his lap as Larry said, "Clean me up, Doll-face. I have to wear these pants tomorrow."
Anne had learned not to argue by this time, so she just bent over, licking and sucking his cock clean right there in the interior lights of the car. If anyone was watching, our reputation in the neighborhood was now shot.
They went inside, straight to the bedroom where I heard Larry saying, "Suck it, Babe. Get it hard."
By the time I got to their doorway, she already had it buried in her working throat, clutching his ass cheeks and pulling him deeper. I pulled my own dick out and instantly shot all over my hand and some even hit the fucking rug.
I was totally exhausted, but continued watching as my beautiful wife somehow managed to swallow the entire length of Larry's thick cock. As the giant crown pushed into her slender white throat, I could see the bulge it caused in her throat canal, before passing into her gullet.
A few slobbers formed around her lovely mouth, dropping onto her tits as she labored away in total delirium, moaning and grunting occasionally, nails digging into his ass cheeks. Watching them, I felt myself stiffening once more.
I had to take it slower this time. I was a twice-a-day kind of guy. Anne on the other hand, could probably climax twenty times a day. That's why I couldn't deny her this pleasure she needed.
Larry groaned and attempted to push her head away, but she clutched his ass and greedily held him in place. Finally, almost violently, he shoved her away so hard she fell over on her back, legs spread, staring up at him defiantly – like . . . do me, Big Boy.
She looked so sexy I almost teared-up. Larry threw her onto the bed, flipped her over and slammed his cock into her from behind. I had a great vantage point right where I stood. I saw his cock-head push those swollen pussy lips aside and disappear inside her, then the long shaft slide along her pussy canal until it was completely buried inside her snatch.
Anne seemed frozen in place, not moving a muscle as he see-sawed back and forth inside her, but her pussy kept clasping his shaft convulsively each time, quivering and pulsating with each thrust. God it was just so sexy. She lay with her ass in the air, face on the bed facing me. I saw her eyes were closed, mouth open, little sounds coming from within it.
Larry held her hips, hammering into her mercilessly, his big cock pulling the lining of her pussy with it each time it withdrew, then plunging back to her depths. I remembered how huge it had felt under the table, wondered how she could take it – how it had fit up that small puckered little asshole above her snatch.
I clutched my dick and slowed down again, controlling my breathing.
Larry's balls drew up and trembled, then he grunted loudly as he emptied his load deep inside her. That was all it took for Anne, too, crying out, squirming, clutching the bedspread. Cum shot out from around the tight fit of his cock, running down her thighs, thick and white.
It went on for quite a while, and then I came like an atom bomb, over and over until my legs gave out. Somehow I made it back to the guest room, passing out on top of the covers. I don't know how many times they fucked after that, but the next morning Anne drove him back to the airport and that night I slept in my own bed.


Posts: 1981
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Very horny story!


Posts: 823 Pictures: 11 
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Oh yes. I loved this one.
Loving Wife, Mother, and Bryan's Slut


Posts: 40
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very horny nice story go for it


Posts: 69
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Thanks subhuv for a great story. Always enjoy the older dom male theme. Gets me thinking of the flirting my wife did with a former work colleague who was well built and looked like a dom type. Bravo to making a story to get my wicked mind to think of my wife in this scenario.


Posts: 28
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Excellent story...Very sexy. Would love to meet your wife.


Posts: 102
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So perfectly done!


Posts: 24
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Hey just wanted to let you know that this is the best cuckold story I have ever read. I know writing is a lot of work, so I just wanted to let you know. Well done! And I hope there will be more installments regarding Anna in the future. I love how she abdicates her responsibilities as a wife and lets her lust take over as if she has no control over it.

Really great stories. Hopefully the husband (or you) if this is based loosely on real life will suck cock soon.!


Posts: 6951
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Gotta be one of the best stories of its type ever! Is there any truth in it or is it purely from your very fertile imagination? Either way it's fuckin' impressive - thanks.


Posts: 181 Pictures: 1 
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Just superb! I have experienced a very similar scenario with my first wife. Pure erotic *******.


Posts: 3599 Pictures: 10 
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WOW!!! Don't know how I missed this story back in 2014.....but it was well worth the time to read!

Sure do hope you can do a follow-up with this and hear more about Larry and his return visit. Thought it was just a matter of time till hubby was cleaning up the mess or even tasting his cock??
Cuck who loves a creampie.


Posts: 6951
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subhub, I've just read this again, it's still one helluva cock hardening tale. Time you added another chapter to it I think!


Posts: 181 Pictures: 1 
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I can totally relate to the submissive cuck hubby role. Helpless to stop my wife being taken by her handsome Dutch lover. it seems inevitable that you will end up sucking Bull cock like me dressed in my maids outfit and serving.



Posts: 6951
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jonascollins - bring me your bitch and I will fuck her for you.


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We have enjoyed both older and younger stunt cocks.


Posts: 175
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All you need now cuck is for old man walt to fuck your wife infront off you after you have bined her birth conrtol pills and impregnate your sexy wife as you watch


Posts: 175
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Thenyou canwatch as she develops walts pot belly he has put into your sexy wifes cunt
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My Wife and an Older Man
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